Brighton businesses condemn yet another white supremacist demonstration

BRIGHTON – A third white supremacist demonstration took place in Livingston County, this time near a Brighton business district on Saturday, August 17.

Those businesses are scorning the demonstration, which included less than a dozen members of a group that appeared to resemble demonstrators in Howell last month.

According to Spencer Goller, who owns the Brighton Coffeehouse and Theater with his mother, the demonstrators “intimidated” customers and crew members throughout the day.

More:Trump will visit Howell on Tuesday, a month after the controversial demonstrations

In a video posted on social media, Goller said: “If you’ve been downtown today … you may have noticed a white supremacist protest happening very close to our building … They’re on the sidewalk, it’s public property, so they have a right to protest and we support the right to protest, however, we do not support this particular message and we certainly do not support the type of crew and intimidation that is going on all day. I hope that this situation can be resolved quickly and peacefully.”

A third white supremacist demonstration took place in Livingston County, this time near a Brighton business district on Saturday, August 17.

A photo circulating on social media, including a post from Bookshop 2 Dandelions, said: “Hate has no home in Brighton. The demonstrators today are not a representation of our community and we stand united in our commitment to being a welcoming place for everyone.”

More:“We love Hitler. We love Trump. While Trump rallied in GR, white supremacists chanted in Howell

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